Simultaneous Two-Stage Public Tender Notice with Integrated Qualitative Evaluation
"Kurdistan Gold Mining Development Company, affiliated with Sadr Tamin Investment Company (TASSICO), intends to conduct a simultaneous two-stage public tender with integrated qualitative evaluation for the purchase and installation of the required geomembrane and geotextile for the tailings storage facility of the Kurdistan Gold Plant, located in Saqqez County, Kurdistan Province, with a bid guarantee of 50,000,000,000 (fifty billion) Rials (in the form of cash deposit or bank guarantee). Therefore, qualified interested parties are hereby invited, in accordance with the terms of the tender documents, to obtain more information and prepare tender documents from 2025/02/24 and until 16:00 on 2025/03/02, by presenting a letter of introduction and the original deposit slip for five million Rials to the company's account in the name of Kurdistan Gold Mining Development Company, IBAN number IR950180000000001122098164 with Tejarat Bank, Central Branch, at the Saqqez office address: End of Shohada Street, Mamuosta Mohammadi Boulevard - Above the CNG gas station - Rolex Building, to Mr. Mirzaei with contact number 09107352574 and take steps to receive the tender documents. The deadline for submitting proposals is until 12:00 noon on Monday, 2025/03/10, and the bid opening session will be held on Wednesday morning, 2025/03/12.